What is a Business Game

The Business Game is a business management simulation system presented in the form of an interactive game. Each of the teams is entrusted with the management of a company and its players are called to make decisions within the various functional areas (Sales / Production / Purchasing / R & D / Quality / HR).

The decisions of the players / managers are processed by software to determine the economic and financial performance of each company. After each game period, each team can control the impact of their decisions using a directional dashboard containing all the necessary KPIs. The complexity of the game progressively increases period after period, as well as the variables and contingencies to be faced and resolved.

There is also a real competition between the teams: the performances of each period in fact generate a score and therefore a ranking.

How to play

Game explanation

Decision making

Results publication


The game is structured over periods and is designed to alternate classroom moments, with an explanation of the theoretical concepts and comments on the results, a time when the teams are brought together for the strategic aspects.

The alternating phases are:

  • Explanation of the game and the underlying theoretical assumptions (classroom)
  • Decision making (team level)
  • Results analysis (team level)
  • Criticality sharing and discussion (classroom)